Saturday, May 28, 2005

"PMS"....100% Sucks...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pffffffffff......It's sucks....
Saturday genehh opie kudu ngantor...
Aduuuhhhhh sebel banget...
Kenapa sich orang2 milih
stuffing container hari sabtu????
Ditambah opie dalem keadaan "pms"
Oh ya Si Omith juga pernah ngebahas masalah "pms"
And, Yes I really agree..."PMS" are sucks...!!!!!!
Bangun pagi dengan kepala pusing, soale tekanan darah drop..
biasanya kalo lagi pms, tekanan darah opie bisa 80/90....
So bisa dipastikan pussiiiiiiinggg bangeeettttt....!!!
Ditambah mual2 hebat plus m*****...
(kayak orang ngidam, tapi ini rutin monthly..)
Kadang2 jengkel banget, kenapa sech musti ngalamin yg kayak ginian...
Duchhhhh...jadi pengen makan rujak nech....
Oh ya buat temen2 blog's .."Have A Nice Wiken...
Btw hari ini sempet blogwalkin ke beberapa blog's....
dan jadi sedih...soale blog_na opie bener2 terbengkalai
gara2 pembatasan pemakaian internet...pffffffffff

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

A Boy who committed suicide...part 2

Herewith the update news of my previous story
For everybody whose interested
can read here
His name was Reinaldy Sembiring
5 years and 8 month
His father was a judge
What a poor little boy
I felt so sorry for him

PS :
For Joey, I'll send the news by email
Love you, schat...

Monday, May 16, 2005

A Boy who committed suicide....

Actually I plan to write about the fashion show I saw on Sunday
And that idea just disappear like the smoke
When I saw the news on TV
I forgot what channel of those news
But what they've been telling were very surprised me
There's a boy, kindergarten student
5 years old in Blora (if I'm not wrong)
Decided to end his life with hanging him self on the tree
Can you imagine that???
He's too young to committed suicide...
It's so pathetic...
He even cannot choose what colour of his shocks
That he wanted to wear when he's going to school
I saw his parents were crying like crazy
And I still can't understand
Why he decided to do that horrible action like that??
Why he did not want to enjoy this beautiful life??
What's wrong with his mind??
Is he crazy or what?
What reason??
The parents said maybe because the boy angry
Coz they did not let him go his friend birthday party
Sound so silly, ya??
And now, I have thousand questions in my mind
I can understand if an adult committed a suicide
But if little boy age 5?
I saw much news about children committed suicide
What they've been thinking??
Are they hallucinated?
Or because many TV shows full of violence they watch?
And when we found out the reason of the scary tragedy
It's all only bunch of jokes in this life
Just a simple silly reason
I'm so sad...
But what passions make them took that decision??
Well, I guess I will never know for the answer
Because all those answer were buried in the silence
Together with all those children
Whose committed suicide

I promised Joey to find that news in newspaper
But I haven't got yet
I will email you after I get it
Love you, hunny..muachhhhhhhhhhh

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


kangen banget pengen nge-blog
cuman saat2 sekarang ini susah bgt
selain pekerjaan juga bejibun
pikiran opie juga lagi gak focus
jadi kadang2 ide yg ada dikepala
tiba2 aja raib entah kemana...
oh ya, tapi last week dapet jalan ke surabaya lho...
soale kud interview deng Sampoerna
Jadi sekalian aja ketemuan ama si Mitha
Makacih banyak ya Mith udah ngasi opie numpang, hahahahahahahaha
opie emang gokil abis dech...
dari interview langsung ikutan bursa kerja di unair...
duchhhh..berasa mahasiswa lagi...hihihihihihi..
Abis itu opie jalan ke TP...hahahahaha
ini lagi nostalgia, waktu kemaren jalan2 ama Joey ke surabaya...
aachhh..opie jadi kangeeeeennn ama ayang...muachhhhhhhhhh, love you lieverd
Benernya ke TP cuman satu tujuan sich..
waktu tahun lalu kita pernah breakfast di Daily bread
en opie suka banget ama jenis makanan itu
cuman masalahnya baik opie ato pun joey kagak ada yg inget namanya...ampuuunnn bgt dech
so begitu sampe di Tp, langsung nyari gerai-nya Daily bread..
en voilaaaa...namanya "Quiche", sodara-sodara...
hahahahahahahahahahahaha...opie norak banget dech...
Pfffff..segitu dulu dech nulisnya...
Oh iya, buat Blogfamer's yg pada mo kopdar di bali...
btw Mitha ama Gembull ikutan gak ya???
Miss ye'all guys...
Buat Kade kenken kabare?????