Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Farewell Old Office...Welcome New Office

Saturday was my last day in my old office...
Setelah penuh bimbang en keraguan
mau pindah ato kagak...
sempet ngobrol2 ama Gembull
trus dapet support dari Joey (MY beloved man...hehehehehe)
en onie, juga mami papi..
So...I decided to resign...
Jadi sabtu bener2 beres2 dioffice
ambil salary terakhir....en bye bye....
gak tau dech..perasaan legaaaaaa banget
after sekian lama ngerasa bete abis...
jadi wiken, bener2 berusaha manjain diri
kalo opie bilang sich buang sial..hahahahahaha
mumpung dapet tiket spa gratisan...
so..after farewell ama sohib2
go to spa.....!!!!
dari ujung kaki ampe ujung rambut
bener2 dech manfaatin gratisan..hehehehehehehehe
Sekarang udah mulai kerja di kantor baru..
en Thank's God.....
I hope I did not make the wrong choise
I think this office are great
Selain internet online all day..
(even opie gak tau bisa chat apa enggak..hihiihi)
The work system are great...!!!!
Kata Joey..
"You wont make the wrong choise..wont get worst then old office.."
Love you so much, Yayang....
Thank you for all your support, babe...
Makasih juga buat Gembull
atas saran2 yg bikin opie easier buat make decision
dan juga Mitha atas miscalled malemnya
Thank's ye'all


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