Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Wrong Answer to Wrong Person....^o^

Ternyata office baru ini cooooollllll banget...
Thank's God..for everything..
for all the new friends...
for the delicious foods around for lunch..^o^
for everything dech..pokoke
Trus kemaren tuch ada kejadian yg lumayan embarasing
karena opie langsung direct sama guest yg booking villa
buat handle payment...
so...receptionist ngasi tau kalo ada telp dari Mr. Wayan Joey..
lha..???? yayangnya opie nelp nech siang2...
rajin banget, mungkin karena opie di new office kali...(I Think..)
nach begitu disambungin langsung dengan semangat bilang
"Halo Sayang.....ngapain nelp??"
trus suara yg disembrang ngejawab
"Halo too Sayang..I'm Wayan Joey D*****"
waaahhhhhhhhhhh....wrong person.....!!!!!!
ampunnnnnn dech..mana temen2 di ruangan accounting pada denger semua
dan gak berenti2 ketawa gara2 wrong answer to wrong person....
duchhhh..malu berat...cuman bukan opie kalo gak bisa cuek..hehehehe
but...I enjoy my works....
En waktu cerita ke Joey, dia cuman bilang "Opie emang dodol.."
hehehehehehehehehehehe...Love you, Joey....


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